Friday, 13 February / Paris Inspiration: Nightwear

Here's the second instalment of procrastination inspiration for my upcoming Paris trip. As you can see, the colour palette remains as varied as ever. I purchased my sixth grey jumper yesterday and I realised whilst trying to justify the knitwear to my flatmate that I really value varying structures in my closet. 

As the turtleneck made itself comfortable in my wardrobe, nestled against it's grey companions, I admired the roll necks, the v necks, the high necks and all other neck-entitled knitwear hanging alongside. The shape of an item entirely alters the construction of an outfit, which is potentially the reason for my lack of 'basic tees' in my clothing archive. The array of outfits below is a prime example of this. Neutral tones but with varying structures that will overlap effortlessly and sophisticatedly.

 Of course, since creating these 'inspo' collages, I've managed to acquire at least 3 lookalike items of my wish list. Therefore, it seems, the inspo list became more of a 'shopping list', and I'm now the proud owner of Stan Smiths, a dressing-gown wrap coat and a grey roll neck. Look out for these new additions in the future. I'm heading to Edinburgh this week, so I'll no doubt work towards checking off everything on said list (oh the woes of student loans...) I'm kidding, I'm actually heavily poor because of this monochrome addiction. But at least I'm struggling through beans on toast each evening in the best Zara has to offer. 


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