Tuesday, 15 April / DIY

Details: Jeans - Primark, Blouse - Zara, Shoes - Garage Shoes, Jacket - H&M, Sunglasses - Spitfire (ASOS), Watch - Michael Kors, Bag - Stripes

I swear I'm not enjoying the cameo appearance of the wooden crate in my photos. I'm torn between which is more aesthetically offensive: the wood or the drain? Your call.

The intention of this post was to show off my newly customised 'ripped jeans'. Unfortunately, the sudden dash to get photos (I was dragging my sister away from GCSE revision) meant she wasn't exactly in the mood to show-case each individual tear and so, instead, it looks as if I'm wearing entirely normal jeans. Hmm. 

The ripped jean has become a recent staple in the fashion realm and I'd like to accuse Kim K as the founder of the trend. Whatever Kanye did to her wardrobe, he did it well. Her style is impeccable these days, most notably, her fabulous array of camel coats. I've been desperate for a pair of ripped jeans since I first spotted the Kardashian queen sporting them herself, alas, zero student loan and an embarassing overdraft situation means that I have no dollar for milk and bread let alone clothing. Cue a pair of nail scissors and a shakey hand to achieve the 'lived in' look. No I haven't been able to justify the decision to my mum, or my sister, and I'm still unsure how my boyfriend feels about the get up but anything that takes my pale and not-interesting appearance one step closer to Kimmy will keep me happy.

So I hoped to upload some inspiring pics of my jeans, my wonderful chunky shoes and an exciting background, instead, my jeans look smart, my shoes are unseen and shall we even acknowledge the grubby mirror and children's toys scattered throughout these images?

Here's hoping the next post will be internet-worthy. If not, at least you can laugh at my awkward poses.

Over n out x

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