Okay, I couldn't resist adding a few more. These are my virtual scrapbook kind of pictures (the ones that probably only I care about).
If heading to Paris in the near future (...take me with you?) be sure to check out all of these places:
Cafe Kitsuné - if at least for their own soundtrack played inside
Musée de l'Orangerie - I'll never stop going on about this. Well I did for a little while after my mum embarrassingly highlighted my mispronunciation of Monet. Now that's a way to strip your pretentious intelligence in an instant
Le Petit Cafe - Near the Pantheon and ripe with authenticity and cracking steak/frites
Colette store - maybe, like me, you are the wannabe milk bowl to your cool cat boyfriend. Even still, this store contained every brand that Mark obsesses with and every brand he's training me to appreciate. I also spotted some of the best-dressed women I've ever seen inside. It just harbours coolness
Shakespeare and Company - a famous bookstore on the left bank of Paris. There is an abundance of secondhand books to peruse, read and sniff (old books, anyone else?). I bought Zelda Fitzgerald's 'Save Me the Waltz', because if you can't justify a Fitzgerald purchase in Paris then where can you?
Hotel de Buci - just go here. Find a way to stay here and do it. Please. You'll be thanking me as you bathe in luxurious comfort with free champagne and macaroons - truth
At the end of our trip, Mark and I tried to choose our favourite moment from the holiday. A mini montage occurred in my head panning through the various eateries, style spotting and incredible landmarks that I'd processed over the four days. In the end I picked this place right here - god I'm happy - more particularly, the background. This is the Tuileries Garden, or specifically, the fancy pond within. We sat around it every day and basked in the glorious sunshine whilst people watching. Despite the abundance of people and buzz of tourists, it was incredibly tranquil. I'm a sucker for sitting in silence and contemplating life and this was the ultimate place to do so.
So that concludes my photo diary of Paris. Mark and I are still emotional over having to return home and our holiday blues are only enhanced by the temperamental March weather of North-East England. I hope we can return very soon, perhaps in the winter time, so I can appreciate "how drop dead gorgeous this city is in the rain" (Midnight in Paris).
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